Kick off!
This is officially my first of many posts to Simply at Home Living, I am so so so appreciative that anyone may be possibly reading this once I post it.
So here is a little bit about me, I am a wife, and a mom, recently turned into a SAHM. Lets me honest, like a lot of moms out there, those were pretty much the only things I could think of that defined me as a person. Ultimately yes, my family is what gives me purpose in life. They are without a shadow of a doubt everything to me. But after 7 years I really started to question who I was, and what happened to the person I use to be sans kids.
I didn't know where she was, or worse, who she was. I had a very repetitive schedule, as most do (no shame in that) but the problem was, I was lost in my very corporate job, in a very Corporate America. Everyday I would do the same exact thing, drive the same exact route, have the same exact issues of "will I make it to daycare in time w/this terrible traffic? what will I cook for dinner, have I forgotten any of the kids activities that will pretty much make me the worst mom ever?" that was my life. Yes, I was happy, because I knew at the end of the day that I was blessed with a great life, but something was missing.
I took a leap of faith, with the support of my husband, and loved ones, and one day decided I was putting in my two weeks notice at work, to become a SAHM. It has been 6 months now, and let me tell you, the day I put my two weeks in, I sat in my car, in the parking garage, and cried. I had dedicated so much of my time, and energy to this job, and I had just prepare to walk away. I have never been happier. A few things have transpired over the course of the last 6 months.
- I remembered just how much I LOVE wearing tee shirts and jeans. LIKE, I REALLY LOVE IT.
- I know where everything is at my house... why? Because I'm the one who does all the cleaning and organizing, and ya know what, I LOVE IT.
- I am on top of everything when it comes to my kids, my husband, my family, my home (no I am not perfect, BY ANY MEANS, but I'm focused now)
- I found myself again, and I've learned I am not the girl I was before getting married and having kids.
This time has allowed me to focus on my home. I even pulled the trigger on a full blown kitchen renovation! I'm not that awesome, I didn't do it myself, but some really talented people did it, and it looks awesome! I did however have 100% say over everything that went on in my renovation, every square inch fills my hearts desire, and I couldn't be happier. That only created a snowball effect, and now I am completely obsessed with anything having to do with creating a house into a home. From DIY, to renovations, home decor on a dime, because as much as I wish I was, I am not insta-rich, but I am very, very happy with how things are slowly evolving in my home. My wish is to be able to help inspire you into creating your space into something that you truly love, and enjoy. Maybe someday I'll buy a house to flip! Now that is a big future goal for me! We shall wait and see! I encourage you to follow along, and share some designspiration with me too!
Now, don't be surprised If a few of my other passions collide with my Simply At Home page! Half of the time I'm chasing a 2 year old, ribbon curled little dictator that runs this place! So this page may have a fine line between simply at home, and simply AT HOME WITH A TODDLER. :)
I am so happy to be doing this! Stay tuned for most posts!
Be Nice,
Here's a face to the name :)
Wow...this is inspiring..and Im so happy for you!Looking forward to following your Passion with you while you blog! Kathryn Contreras